From Gary B’s Blog:
"President Obama recently said income inequality is ‘the defining issue of our time.’ Seriously? Is
From Gary B’s Blog:
"President Obama recently said income inequality is ‘the defining issue of our time.’ Seriously? Is
Rhett and Link have done it again:
Just in case you needed to lighten up today.
Hey, I did say that this site was about “all of life” didn’t I?
That includes “Dope Zebras.” 🙂
I remember sitting in the theater watching The Nativity Story. I was moved on a very deep level to tears.
None of the above. I was moved because I believed that what I was watching was a true story. I was moved because I realized that my faith is real!*
“… Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved…” Acts 16:31
I just watched a video trailer for a movie called Apostle Peter & the Last Supper:
This movie has Bruce Marchiano playing Jesus as in those great Matthew videos from the 1990s.
The story of Jesus is real. The Bible is true. We can live with hope for personal redemption and redemption of the whole world. We are heading towards “a new heaven and a new earth.”
Are you waiting in terror for the end of the world? Leave your fear behind and believe God for personal and global transformation!
We did not make up these truths, in fact they are making us!
“I did not make it, no it is making me, it is the very truth of God not the invention of any man…” Rich Mullins
As my friend Dean Niforatos sometimes says:
“We’re not here to take cover, we’re here to take over!”
So… Be encouraged today.
Remember the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ultimate return of Jesus Christ and take courage. We cannot lose.
*I know I have the wrong verb tense consistency here, but I don’t wish to say my faith “was” real because it is living and active right now. 🙂
Have you ever turned on the TV and seen pictures of starving children covered in flies followed by an appeal to help the poor?
In order to really help the poor we need to stop seeing them as victims and instead see their potential as children of God.
Here is a video with some thoughts along these lines from a worker in Nicaragua:
Here is a link to the video and some excerpts at the website:
Are you looking for the website
I “melded” it with this site. All of the articles that were posted there are now posted here. 🙂
Here is an archive of those original articles: