I have modified it very slightly over the years and say it in a few different ways, but here is the essence:
“My vision is to inspire, disciple, and mobilize the next generation of Christian leaders to fall in love with God and then find and fulfill their roles in Worldwide Awakening.”
Underneath that I wrote that I would do this by:
“Teaching in churches, schools, and ministries, running effective discipleship programs, writing books and tracts, and inspiring young people to live out the Bible in every area of society and life.”
I never anticipated at the time how much I would be in to web pages 12 years later!
Web content has been a hobby of mine for some time now.
So to this vision I dedicate my new website: www.jondavisjr.com.
I titled this site “The Gospel of Everything” because I am increasingly convinced that the Christian View of the World is meant for every area of life; so in a very real way this site is about everything. I want to work to see Jesus and His Thoughts and Ways applied to every area of life and society.
So let this site be like a new sword in the Hand of the Holy Spirit to see the Kingdom of God come on the earth and in eternity.