*Important Disclaimer: Any donations to this crowdfunding project will not be tax-deductible!
that I host on the internet!
For example, I host Ben Gilmore’s ACH Study Groups website for free! (www.achstudygroups.com).
I host a political/worldview blog that hasn’t been updated for a while but still has loads of content and people actually read it. 🙂 (www.freedomthirst.com)
I host the Gospel of Everything website about All of Life Christianity. (www.jondavisjr.com)
I host a resource for missionaries raising support: (www.gettingsent.com)
I think you get the picture. 😉
For about a year now I have been having major hassles with my formerly-great hosting provider known as Bluehost. I wish to move to a new hosting provider.
I can host all of my sites for the next 3 years for $186.00! That will save a bunch of Kingdom Money monthly (about $12/mo – more than $250 over the entire 3 years!) and get me out of the icky Bluehost situation.
Can you imagine a world without ME on the internet?
I can’t. 🙂
So… Save the Internet! Keep Jon Davis and his sites going strong for the next 3 years!
There is a soul out there for whom the whole amount isn’t much. There are 7 souls out there who could kick in $30.00 each (I added a bit on to cover papal fees).
Will you help me keep my good content on the internet?
Just go here to make your donation:
If you have any questions feel free to contact me here: http://contact.jondavisjr.com
Let’s try and do this in the next couple of days so I don’t miss the sale!
Jon Davis Jr.