Thank you Lord and thank you to all who helped!** |
Through the generosity of two of our team members we have a nice 2000 Honda CRV to drive.
Currently, there is a need for an urgent repair.
I had planned on doing this repair in January 2016 when I believe I will have the funds to do so.
But my mechanic just informed me that it has become an urgent safety matter.
The upper control arms / ball joints need to be replaced right away.
I am leaving for India in about a week. I really don’t want to leave my wife with a car that may not be safe to drive!
That is why I am inviting friends who believe in our ministry to consider helping out with this repair cost so that I can get it done before I leave.
There is a second repair that involves a major inconvenience but not as much of a safety issue.
$660 – Upper Control Arms / Ball Joints / Tie Rod Ends
$390 – Door latch (car cannot be opened from the inside!)
$1050 – Total
I will use all money raised for these repairs – making the upper control arm / ball joints / tie rod ends the first priority.
If you would like to help us in our ministry in this very practical way you can make a donation either by mail or by paypal. This donation is NOT tax deductible. (If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation for this please contact me here:
Postal Mail – write your check to “Jon Davis Jr” and mail it to:
Jon Davis Jr
3230 Sycamore Road #139
DeKalb, IL 60115-9621
Please contact me and let me know that you sent the money!
Or you can make an immediate donation via credit card / debit card / paypal here (You don’t need a Paypal account):
Let me know if you need any help!
Do you have a Paypal Account? Try this: